There was no issue of the paper on this date on account of a public holiday. The excerpt below is taken from the previous day’s edition.
AMMAN: Israel needs to understand that until it withdraws from Arab territories occupied in 1967 there will be no Middle East peace, United States Senator Charles Percy (Republican-Illinois) said here. He told newsmen at the end of a two-day stay in Jordan that Israel could not have peace and at the same time hold on to the occupied territories. Mr. Percy, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, added that everyone should also realise that Israel existed and that its sovereignty and security should be ensured.
[Meanwhile, as reported by our staff reporter from Karachi,] a provision store in Gol Market Nazimabad has started selling eggs by weight — Rs 7 per seer. It has not however stopped selling these by number and quoted it at Rs 4.75 per dozen. … According to Mr Jamil Akhtar, owner of [the store], price-wise there was not much difference between the two as 16 to 18 eggs equalled a seer. However, the weight method would free the buyer of trying to pick up the biggest and the heaviest, he maintained.
Published in Dawn, January 24th, 2025
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