THIS is with reference to the report ‘Legal woes deepen as Imran and Bushra conv-icted in £190m Al-Qadir Trust case’ (Dawn.Com, Jan 17). After several political gimmicks and pressure tactics used in a bid to strike some sort of deal, the incarcerated leader of the opposition party had even given a call for civil disobedience, asking Pakistani expatriates to stop sending remittances home.
The call had been given ignoring the fact that during his tenure, Pakistan faced significant economic challenges, including unprecedented hyperinflation, escalating debt and depleting foreign reserves. His economic policies were ineffective. His failure to adequately address the key issues distanced Pakistan from international financial institutions, leading to credit downgrades and strained economic relations.
A central issue throughout his tenure was his failure to prioritise national int-erests. Examples, such as the 2014 sit-in, the cipher drama, his letter to the Inter-national Monetary Fund (IMF), and the events of May 9 and Nov 24-26, illustrate how the national interest was ignored.
All his moves since his ouster from office have aimed at putting pressure on the government. Remittances, which have long been a crucial source of foreign exchange for Pakistan, play a vital role in keeping the economy stabilised.
In 2023, remittances from overseas Pakistanis amounted to approximately $30 billion, making them one of the largest sources of foreign exchange inflow for the country. These funds are crucial for Pakistan’s foreign reserves, and provide essential support for millions of families across the country. For many Pakistanis living abroad, sending money back home is a means of supporting loved ones and communities, and asking them to withhold remittances is a controversial and pote-ntially damaging move for both the eco-nomy and national unity.
Fortunately, sanity prevailed, and the call failed to resonate with the Pakistani expatriate community, as evidenced by a record increase in remittances, with Pakistan receiving $3.1 billion only in December 2024. The Pakistani diaspora clearly distanced itself from the call, and the sentiment reflected in the 31 per cent increase in remittances sent to Pakistan in 2024. Having said that, one can have a fair idea of how the leader in jail prioritises his personal interest over national welfare and interests. The call reflected a lack of regard for the nation’s wellbeing.
The Pakistani people and diaspora have consistently demonstrated their loyalty and patriotism, prioritising the country’s interests over those of any political leader. Despite malicious efforts by the country’s enemies and some anti-state elements, the national economy is continuing to grow. The Pakistan Stock Exchange experienced a significant surge on the last trading day of 2024, with the index rising by more than 3,900 points.
The Pakistani diaspora remains loyal and patriotic, fully rejecting any harmful call for civil disobedience. While the call exposed those having vested interests, the rejection of the call by the community of expatriates augurs well, which shows Pakistan is finally on the path to recovery.
Abdul Basit Alvi
Published in Dawn, January 19th, 2025
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