THE recent mayhem in Islamabad caused by the main opposition party is a critically serious matter. What is even more critical is the irritating frequency at which such hooliganism has started to cripple life in the federal capital. The blocking of roads, suspension of the internet services and closure of educational institutions throw the daily lives of local people into complete confusion.

The heart of the capital was at a standstill, with traffic jams stretching as far as the eye could see. The decision to suspend internet service — a lifeline for businesses, students and professionals — added fuel to the fire. Students already struggling with their academic challenges were left twiddling their thumbs as their institutions had shut their doors.

One cannot help but wonder if this is the price of democracy. Political protests are, indeed, a democratic right, but when these demonstrations violate the basic rights of the people, they become less about justice and more about chaos.

Why should the common man pay the price for these ongoing political games? Islamabad’s residents are tired of being the sacrificial lamb in every political issue. Political parties must understand that winning hearts and minds is achieved not by bringing life to a standstill, but by acting with reason and responsibility.

Let us not allow the federal capital to become a hotbed of political unrest. The nation looks to the capital for leadership and guidance, not upheavals.

Mahnoor Asghar

Published in Dawn, December 8th, 2024



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