A flawed policy

Published December 6, 2024

THE promotion policy of the College Education Department in Sindh is flawed and discriminatory because it entails no distinction for PhD teachers in the seniority list. Therefore, most PhD teachers on the seniority list keep waiting for their turn every time promotions are announced, while others, less qualified candidates, get promoted to the next grade.

The PhD degree must be given weigh-tage in the seniority list simply because it makes professional sense. Suppose 300 lecturers of different subjects were inducted through the Sindh Public Service Comm-ission (SPSC) in the year 1997. Of these 300 teachers, 30 worked harder and earned PhD degrees.

Since there is no weightage accorded the qualifications in the seniority list, these teachers remain stuck in the same spot. If 200 assistant professors get prom-oted to associate professors, and almost all of them happen to be non-PhDs, does it not sound odd and unfair?

As such, had these teachers been given the rightful advantage of their PhD qualifications, they would have been above the rest on the seniority list, and would surely be promoted to the next grade. It is high time for the govern-ment to do away with this anomaly.

Dr Zafar Farooqui

Published in Dawn, December 6th, 2024


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