Local Levies sources said the deceased was on his way home from office along with his daughter when unidentified assailants sprayed his vehicle with bullets. — File Photo

QUETTA: A strike was observed in Khuzdar, Wadh and other towns of Khuzdar district on Thursday to condemn the killing of BNP-M leader and vice president of Jhalawan Bar Association Advocate Abdul Salam.

Mr Salam was gunned down by unidentified terrorists on Wednesday night while he was going home from his office along with his eight-year-old daughter, who also suffered bullet injuries in the attack.

The BNP-M leader was killed on the spot while his daughter was injured and taken to Khuzdar Civil Hospital.

According to police, assailants were riding a motorcycle and escaped from the scene after the attack.

Police claimed that they raided several places, but no arrest could be made.

Mr Salam was the former vice president of BNP-M and the party has announced a 10-day mourning period and plans to stage demonstrations and take out protest rallies to condemn the murder.



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